IT and Skill Development Program Training

3 month integrated course in IT&skill development program

This short term course is for those candidate who want to take job oriented knowledge in IT & Skill development.

Strenghten the development of associated learning centre as a proactive role model for high quality and learner computer literacy programme. Provide computer education to the highest unreached people and promote community participation for local development.

Course include

- Operating systems
- Computer hardware
- Ms office
- Internet
- Hindi & English typing
- Personality development
- Smart marketer.etc

Fee: 3000
Duration: 3 Month

Emerging States

Skill Development Training

Emerging States Offering Skill Development Course.

Letter Drafing (hindi/eng) Course Addmission Going On

IT & Skill Development Program
(Fee : 3000(3 Month))

3 Month integrated course in IT & Skill Development Program

Enquiry Now

For Enquiry Call / Whatsapp : 08986373530